How to Prepare your Fence for the Holiday Season

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If you have had your fence for several years, chances are your fence has seen better days. Countless years of exposure to the elements can take a toll on any structure, but fences are the most prone to deteriorating as the years add up. The average fence can sag, buckle, rust or develop rot from neglect and lack of proper maintenance. Not only does this make your fence look bad, but it can also be unsafe for people to be around. With the holiday season just around the corner, you’ll want your fence to have plenty of curb appeal and be safe for friends and loved ones.

Weighing your Options

Before deciding on a custom fence installation or repairs to your current fence, you want to take a good look at the condition of your current fence. In most cases, an aging fence only needs a few repairs to make it look good as new. However, if your fence has signs of rot or severe rust, it could be time for a complete replacement. Here are some things you can do to see whether or not you need a custom fence installation:

· Check the condition of the fence posts. As long as two-thirds of the fence posts are not broken, rusted out or rotted, you can safely get away with repairs.

· Take a good look at the gate. Individual items like hinges and doors can be replaced, but if they are rusted, broken or rotted, it’s time for a total replacement.

· Check the fence rails to make sure they’re not sagging or curving. Fence rails may occasionally loose nails and screws, but a custom fence installation may be in the cards once entire sections start falling or breaking off.

· Check the condition of the fence slats. Most times slats only need a new coat of paint to look like new again, but if these start bending or sagging, they’ll need serious repairs or replacement.

If you’ve decided on a custom fence installation, there are plenty of fencing companies in CT that can easily accommodate your fencing needs.

Fence Ideas for the Holidays

For the holiday season, fences can add extra curb appeal to your home and holiday decor. Fences can serve as a neat place to hang decorative items. There’s no better way to welcome guests than with a wreath on your fence gate. Fresh, green garlands also make for a sophisticated look that’s loved by all. Last, but not least, Christmas lights offer a splendid way of showing off that holiday cheer, especially for friends, family and other guests.

Key Takeaways:

· Fences can be repaired instead of being replaced.

· Always check the condition of your fence before making a decision.

· Fences can add curb appeal to your outdoor holiday decor.

Need Help?

Are you interested in installing or repairing your fence for this holiday season? Contact us today for a FREE estimate!

*Photo courtesy of


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