Defending your Family and Yard from Deer

Imagine you are playing a game of capture the flag, but instead of keeping your flag safe from the other team, you are trying to keep your yard and family safe from deer. As the weather gets warmer and your yard becomes more appealing to you and your family, it also unfortunately becomes more appealing to deer and other wild animals. Allowing these animals to roam the yard freely can expose your property to certain dangers and disadvantages, giving the deer an upper-hand in battle. In order to put up the proper fight, you need to not only set up the appropriate protection, but realize why it is so important.

Why Keep Deer out of your Yard?

Many people pride themselves in having a flourishing garden. From flowers to vegetable gardens, if you put the effort into them, you expect to see positive results. However, wild animals are determined to do just the opposite, by uprooting and eating whatever your garden produces. A proper deer fence will keep out deer and help prevent most of the smaller animals from getting through, keeping your garden safe and uninterrupted.

Not only can deer bring havoc on your garden, but they can also create quite a danger to those walking in your yard. One deer can facilitate the birth of one million deer ticks per year. Deer ticks carry Lyme disease, which leaves them potentially very harmful to anyone they come in contact with. Simply installing a deer fence to keep animals out of your yard can reduce the amount of ticks in that area of your property by 90%. If you and your family plan to spend a lot of time outside, it might be time to start looking into fence options to ensure proper safety for everyone.

Analyze your Opponent

It is important to explore your deer competition when looking to purchase a deer fence. Whitetail deer, the most common in Connecticut and New York, can jump an average of 15 feet, leaving a large range of available fence heights from 6 to 15 feet. Typically deer do not jump very high unless threatened, so a very high fence probably isn’t necessary, but it depends on your own situation and preference. Additionally, deer have difficulty seeing certain colors, so choosing the right color fence to alter their perspective can also deter them from jumping and getting past the barrier.

Choosing the proper height and color of your deer fence is a great start to protecting your yard, and the next step involves choosing the correct fence material. Polypropylene and Steel WebSM are two great fence materials to consider for maximum protection against deer, and an outline of these two choices can be found at By comparing the pros and cons of each fence, you can better decide which option is best for you.

Avoid Failure

One of the most common reasons that deer fences aren’t successful is because they are installed incorrectly. To avoid the hassle and misfortune of having a fence installed the wrong way, seek a true fencing expert. At Riverside Fence, our exceptional staff is highly skilled in this specific area, and will be sure to successfully and correctly install the deer fence you desire. Together we’ll do our best to help you win the battle against the deer and protect your yard.


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